Monday, October 4, 2010

"Max Assist Monday"

Today, each of my sessions was with a PT for either a co-treatment (eval for OT, treatment session for PT), or co-evaluation. Oh boy am I glad we were all in there together! Quite a few of the patients required all three of us to be active and involved in their transfers. We were able to get through our entire list of patients - except for one patient that declined to see us... she's had some pretty extensive surgery and is refusing pain medication. She's clearly in a lot of pain, but she's very strong about not wanting pain medication. The motto at Cleveland Clinic is "patient's first" so they are very respectful of her wishes, but I think the nurses, and therapy staff, are doing a good job of discussing pain management options with her. We let her know we would be back to check tomorrow to see if she was feeling up to therapy - and I hope either her pain decreases, or she accepts some assistance from medication.

I'm happy to say, today was tough, but it's over... and I did quite a bit of charting myself. I've even starting signing my reports (although, it's really just a button I click that says I signed it, no password or anything required), and using my pager number so if there are any questions people can contact me. Hopefully, there are no problems and no contacts to my pager...

Hopefully tomorrow isn't "Total Assist Tuesday!"

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to email us the pager info for a baby emergency news flash! :)
