Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 2 out of 60

Yes, thanks to Nan, today I learned I am currently signed up to work 60 days... although I guess really it's 59 since I have Thanksgiving day off. Today was a good day at work again. The day started with a LONG commute due to the rain and an accident (not me, but traffic was quite backed up). We didn't start seeing patients until 9 am due to an article review. Each Tuesday there is a presentation, article review, discussion session, etc from 8-9. 
This morning we completed 4 evaluations with PTs. It's really nice that we work so closely with the ortho PTs (as we are ortho OTs currently). We go into the patient's room together so the patient only has to answer our common questions once. The co-evaluations/co-treatment sessions allow us to also increase the amount of patients who agree to participate since the only need to get out of bed once for both evals. 
There are two OTs in the orthopedic department and 1 COTA. They are all great and work really well together. I think there are 5 PTs (but I'm not exactly sure, and I'm not sure about the PT/PTA breakdown). I'm starting to learn about more documentation and how the department runs.
Lunch was nice today. Everyone eats in the common area (OT & PT department) and we enjoy taking a break (partially) from work. I'm starting to get to know some of the other staff members. We're figuring out the PT Olympics and what each person on the team will be responsible for in the relays.

Today I also got a few new things I need to carry around with me. 

Smelling salts (on the left) and a pager - who still carries pagers?? Everyone who works at CC, that's who!

Monday, September 27, 2010

First Day at Cleveland Clinic

Today I started my placement at Cleveland Clinic. After a pretty decent commute (thank goodness the rain held out!) I was able to easily find parking and headed to the A building. Four new OT students -including me- started on main campus today. We went on a walk to get our ID badges (and when I saw walk - I mean WALK - it's a big place). We luckily got there right before a group of med students. My ID is quite possibly the most serious ID badge I've ever seen.
Not an awesome picture of me - but it is my parking pass to park right near my building, so it's just fine. After getting our badges we walked over to M72 (the Acute Care OT/PT gym/clinic area - the letter is the building, the first number is the floor, and the 2nd number is the desk number - which is a helpful system to know when trying to find other places).
The fieldwork coordinator paged my supervisor to find her and she called saying I could go meet her in a patient room and start right in. So I did!
My first and only patient encounter of the day was a knee patient... I didn't even know you could totally have your knee removed and have a spacer put in until you're ready for a knee replacement (if you have an infection or need to heal more before the actual replacement). As a department we co-treat with the PT staff quite often, especially for evaluations. This helps avoid having to get patients out of bed twice and decreases the amount of patients who decline therapy due to pain or fatigue. 
After the evaluation, my supervisor (Joy) and I went back into the office to document the eval. I got my first experience working with the on-line documentation program. Everything at Cleveland Clinic uses on-line documentation, which is really great since we can see any patient's chart no matter where we are in the hospital. We can also check out patient history from other admittances. The system is kind of difficult to get used to using, but I think overall it will be useful for me.
After lunch the other acute care OT student and I got a tour from a rehab tech (there are 3 and they are really helpful!). We toured the whole main campus - well, all of the connected buildings. Since it was raining we did skip one. The tour was about an hour and 1/2, and I'm not sure I could find anything again. The good news is - there are people who work there and their main job is to help people find where they're looking to find. They have on red jackets so they are easy to find - and if you're standing around looking lost, they check with you to see if you need help. So, when I do get lost, at least I know how to become un-lost again.
I spent the rest of the afternoon documenting and learning the computer system. I am excited to have my own log-ins to everything since at my last sites I didn't get my own documentation log-ins. 
I got a great schedule of exactly what I need to do each week, so I will be able to know where I stand before my evals come up. Tomorrow I have more orientation to go through (safety and such). Today was absolutely exhausting, but I'm happy with my placement. I can't wait to crawl into bed tonight and get a good night of sleep so I can start it all over again tomorrow :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Last Free Friday

Today was my last free weekday before starting my next fieldwork site. I spent quite a bit of the day taking care of things around my apartment and doing work for school. My personal favorite accomplishment of the day is FINALLY finishing my coasters (or "project" as Colton would say). They look great and are ready for use thanks to Colton's artwork.
I still need to pack for my trip tomorrow but considering I will be spending most of my time in a bathing suit, I don't think too much packing is actually necessary (I say that now, but we'll see how much stuff I actually end up bringing since anyone who has ever seen me pack knows I can be a little - and I say a little loosely - over the top when it comes to packing). 
I'm starting to feel a little more nervous about starting at CCF on Monday, but I know I just need to jump in and do my best. I'm excited to be at such a large organization and to learn about anything and everything I can there.

As for Ohio, I'm pretty pleased so far. I've learned a few things so far - like there actually are places that have MORE construction and WORSE roads than Western NY. I also already "got a guy" who takes care of me and my car - actually, I have 2 guys - one at Nissan who sent me somewhere else, and Chuck the guy who actually fixed it for me (ok, he just works the desk, but still, he was the one I talked to).
Some things I still need to learn include where to throw away my trash and where I can find a decent coffee shop...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dry Run Morning

This morning I got up early (for this week at least) and took a dry run into Cleveland Clinic. It took about 40 minutes (including my missed turn, and detouring around the roads that are closed for construction). They have great traffic control around the hospital, including people directing traffic to allow pedestrians to cross the street - which I'm sure I will be thankful for when I actually have to get out of my car and walk into the hospital. 
While driving back to my apartment I saw how crazy the traffic gets a little later in the day. I will need to leave around an hour before I need be there each day to make sure I don't get caught up in the busy busy time of day.

After getting home I decided to stay up and have some breakfast before my shower.
I decided Nan was right - my bowls are a little large for cereal in the am, so I got myself some paper bowls for that, but my cup looks like it's giant in comparison!

Today's plan includes getting ready for the day and then checking out Easy A at the theater. I've never been to the movies on my own, but why not give it a try. This is my city of trying new things, so here I go!
I also still have quite a bit of studying to still do, so that's on my list to accomplish as well. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pictures of the new place....

The view from my entryway

Part of my bathroom
A look into my kitchen (notice the picture frame!) and view into my bedroom
The view into my "bedroom" from my "living room." Yes, George came along for the trip too!   
The view from my "bedroom"  into my "living room" and "office"

New "City"

After moving to the Cleveland area on Monday (thanks to Mom & Dad for their help transporting and organizing my stuff!), I think I finally feel settled. I'm still working on finding places to put all of my things in my little "apartment," but it's starting to feel like I actually live here. 

I'm not actually in the city of Cleveland, but I do plan on taking a trip in tomorrow to check out my daily commute before I actually need to do it to get to work. I'm also looking into the option of checking out the West Side Market on Friday. I've been there once before, and let's just say, I already know it's AMAZING. (Check it out yourself - http://www.westsidemarket.org/).

I set up a little office area today so I can focus on studying and doing work without sitting in my bed (which is not a productive place to focus on studying). I plan on posting pictures of my apartment later with the changes I made, but I want to finish putting away my last few things first. I'll keep you all posted on how my life keeps going in Cleveland :)