Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dry Run Morning

This morning I got up early (for this week at least) and took a dry run into Cleveland Clinic. It took about 40 minutes (including my missed turn, and detouring around the roads that are closed for construction). They have great traffic control around the hospital, including people directing traffic to allow pedestrians to cross the street - which I'm sure I will be thankful for when I actually have to get out of my car and walk into the hospital. 
While driving back to my apartment I saw how crazy the traffic gets a little later in the day. I will need to leave around an hour before I need be there each day to make sure I don't get caught up in the busy busy time of day.

After getting home I decided to stay up and have some breakfast before my shower.
I decided Nan was right - my bowls are a little large for cereal in the am, so I got myself some paper bowls for that, but my cup looks like it's giant in comparison!

Today's plan includes getting ready for the day and then checking out Easy A at the theater. I've never been to the movies on my own, but why not give it a try. This is my city of trying new things, so here I go!
I also still have quite a bit of studying to still do, so that's on my list to accomplish as well. 


  1. You know how I feel about paper bowls for cereal! They're just the perfect size! And no clean up! What's not to love?

  2. My personal fave is the swirly straw. I totally stole one in my purse so Colton has one too! :) <3 Elis
