Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 2 out of 60

Yes, thanks to Nan, today I learned I am currently signed up to work 60 days... although I guess really it's 59 since I have Thanksgiving day off. Today was a good day at work again. The day started with a LONG commute due to the rain and an accident (not me, but traffic was quite backed up). We didn't start seeing patients until 9 am due to an article review. Each Tuesday there is a presentation, article review, discussion session, etc from 8-9. 
This morning we completed 4 evaluations with PTs. It's really nice that we work so closely with the ortho PTs (as we are ortho OTs currently). We go into the patient's room together so the patient only has to answer our common questions once. The co-evaluations/co-treatment sessions allow us to also increase the amount of patients who agree to participate since the only need to get out of bed once for both evals. 
There are two OTs in the orthopedic department and 1 COTA. They are all great and work really well together. I think there are 5 PTs (but I'm not exactly sure, and I'm not sure about the PT/PTA breakdown). I'm starting to learn about more documentation and how the department runs.
Lunch was nice today. Everyone eats in the common area (OT & PT department) and we enjoy taking a break (partially) from work. I'm starting to get to know some of the other staff members. We're figuring out the PT Olympics and what each person on the team will be responsible for in the relays.

Today I also got a few new things I need to carry around with me. 

Smelling salts (on the left) and a pager - who still carries pagers?? Everyone who works at CC, that's who!


  1. you couldn't get a pink pager? haha I actually forgot what they looked like!?

  2. ha ha ha... no, they're for when patient's pass out - when I pass out I think they just pinch or kick me until I get up...
